Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Download service

 Downloadable services
2012 you can download so many things from internet now a day you can even download software’s what was impossible few years ago. You can download most of the software’s without paying for them or sometimes you don’t pay for it in a first place but then you have to pay for it after a certain time you would still wish to be allowed to use it. There are other thing you can easily download from network like music, film games or e-books although it is really easy and free to download it is not right to download it without the permission form the administrator who is in hold with the file you would like to download.
From my own experience I can say it take so much time to get in contact with the person who is in hold of the stuff you would like to do. Many times when I was doing some work for school or some researches and I wanted to use some information or pictures I couldn’t wait for the response so I decided to use it but not share it with anyone. When it comes to the music and film it’s a different matter most of the films and music is copy right you cannot download it without paying for it. There is a lot of websites which offering a good prices for downloading their films online for example ‘LoveFilm.com’

All the tablets and smartphones have one and the same idea to be up graded nonstop you don’t have to buy a new phone everything something new will come out you can easily upgrade your “apps” (applications) and have a new software on your phone or tablet. I have a blackberry myself and every time they have something new coming out my phone is sending me and information and the option to download the application on my phone. I also have Facebook app download is on my phone so whenever there is a new version on Facebook I can upgrade it for free. My dad is also in hold with blackberry, although he doesn’t use any types of social networking he still wants to use every app on this phone. He’s phone has the GPS app whenever there is something new going he can upgrade his GPS. Upgrading apps most of the time it’s improvement for the app we already had on our phones/tablets or Pc’s.
Ø  Speed
Ø  Security
Ø  Cost Cut
Ø  Copy right
Ø  Convenient

As much as people now download films they also are more likely to download; music, Games and E-books. You should pay for whatever you trying to download and you have no right to share the file with another person.  Many people these days upload there music on a software called ‘I-Tunes’ it is really successful the customers can download/ upload whatever music they are interested in, it doesn’t cost a lot and it is legal. In the same way you can download games and e-books. Kindle is an amazing example of an e-book. You have a connection to internet and you can download whatever book you would like to read.
I don’t have and Kindle but I know few people who do and they really like it.

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