Sunday 21 October 2012


Online learning

nline learning has been invited for pupils, so they can extend their knowledge at home. Everything is tailored to the needs of the user.  Every online learning service, have in mind which age target the want to work with, either it is kids or young adults and what would be more beneficial for them. Most of the learning websites for kids look like this one:

Colourful and easy going, it attracts kids and they have a lot of fun while they’re doing their learning.
When I was little I didn’t had the access to internet so I wasn’t able to use it, but I have a little cousin, she is four years old now and I would never think four year old girls would be able to use a computer as flawless as she can. I know there is some disadvantages because these kind of websites are an addiction for little kinds, but don’t forget these are still games based on learning.
Online learning for young adults is not too much difference, but the graphic is changed so it looks more mature.

Still really easy to use but not very often education games are included into these kind of websites it’s more based on various of information that young adult might be expecting to receive. I personally use some of the online learning services in my free time. I look up for information that could interest me but I haven’t covered in school yet. I think it gives me opportunity to be proactive at school.

School web-sites

This is my school web site. As any other school website it gives you information about school. In our school every student is in hold with his own user name and password, therefore he can use any of the school computers and still be able to access on their own account. On our school website you can also access to your school e-mail and software called ‘frog’. ‘Frog’ shares every school drive so that the pupil can easily access to whatever he is looking for.
School Websites are not only used my students but also by their parents and parents are not students in this school but they think about weather this school is good for their kids therefore the school website has to include as much details as it is possible and have to be presented in a very nice way so it persuade parents to this school.
From my own experience I use my school website quite often, not only because I can communicate with my teachers through my e-mail but also because whenever I have work to do that I’ve saved in school and it’s not on my personal computer I can easily go on ’Frog’ and download stuff that I need. There is stuff that I would improve for example I would ask for permission some online learning websites so I could use their links on the school website therefore kids could go straight to it.

Online revision
Most known in UK and very successful revision service is ‘’BBC bitesize’ It gives you the student opportunity to revise for any kind of test or exam. Very friendly and by friendly I mean it’s easy to use and you can receive all the information which is useful for you. When I was preparing for my GCSE’s exams I was using this website the most often. The website had every section that meant to revise including games, videos and other to help me study. I know some of my friends have found other websites and they were successful as well. If someone doesn’t like to learn thing from books online revision may be something they would prefer to do.

School league tables
o many school options for your child and you are not sure which one would be perfect for you are one? Therefore Internet provides you with store information about every school. There are website which show you top 10 schools in you UK, this information you can easily receive from online newspaper.(
If you looking for any specific school these information have an easy admission as well. All you have to do is type the name of the school in to internet research and the school website should give you the school league table. My school (St Gregory’s Comprehensive School) is provided with league table this year 2012 our school had 99% of C-A* GCSE results.

Virtual learning environment this service is based on web which convention real word education. It’s commonly used for student who have problem with their learning or for those who don’t go to school.  Websites like this are provided with a range of subjects and proper progress on each lesson for each learning objective. Easy going websites for those who can’t really use a computer. VLE website is like real school tests, homework’s and even classrooms. I have a friend who has down syndrome, he goes to real school once a week fir the rest of a time he has a person who is spending time with him and helping him with his learning. He really enjoy the website and it gives him a lot of opportunities to extend his knowledge.  



Online shopping
2012 people got used to the fact computers are able to do most of the stuff for them. People are lazy these days and they refer to the computer whenever they need something. Online shopping is one of the thing people do a lot now. They don’t have a time to driver to the shop and spend hours on walking around the shop and look for the product they want. Now people prefer to go online and order their shopping, most of the shops now even offer the delivery free. There is a lot of advantages for people and shops who are using this sort of way for doing the shopping and it’s a big advantage for shops because if they have better offers obviously customers will choose their service also by this the shop my show if they are and do what they offer. Neither I nor my family do online shopping but I know people who do this to save their time and money.

Online Banking
Banks are a perfect way of showing how technology has moved on. Now a day you don’t have to go to bank to get your money. You can get them whenever you want. My dad got his own banking account he can use it whenever he wants to. He can tract his statements and make online payments. It doesn’t cost him anything. It’s one of the offers his back is offering.

Auctions are a part of online shopping. Big retail industries that have their own shop and shop online like for example ‘Newlook’, ‘Quiz’, ‘Topman’, ‘Topshop’ etc. these shops are called brick and click industry. You can buy stuff but you can’t really auction them. Where shops like ‘Amazon’ and ‘E-bay’ are just click which means they’re shop online provides. On E-bay original people can put their own stuff on it and sell it, some people are not sure about price of this product so then are setting up an auction where other people can offer their price and of ‘course the person who will pay for the product better amount of money will buy it. Couple of years ago actions were taking part in really big halls and a lot of people were coming and having a ‘shout’ for the product they want. Now you can sit in front of a PC and offer a price that is good for you. I personally never took part of any auction and I don’t know anyone who did.

Sunday 7 October 2012

News service
News service is providing the customer with information which are collected by real time technology. Now you can even view news few seconds after it has happened. Of ‘course there is a massive competition between all the real time news services because everyone wants to be first. In my opinion, I love the fact I can receive the latest news on my e-mail or phone.Not maybe people these days have time to watch television so most of them are viewing some news on the way to work on their "samrtphones".
Timetables are commonly used for buses and trains, we begun with simple print media timetables, and you can still see them on some of the bus stops in a small time but now days, you can also see timetables like this one we can see on the left,the electric board is much more useful from the paper timetable as those are real time programed, whenever a bus/train is delete or just late few minutes you can easily read and the updates are really reliable. You can’t really tell from the printed timetables whether the bus is late or have you been late and now you have to wait for the next one. This is an easy example to show how the technology has moved over few years.

Traffic reports
Traffic reports as other real time services is now available online but not only, now there is also an opportunity to use it on your phone as an app any smart phone can download  or GPS. 
 I don’t you the Traffic reports. Just simply because I relay on public service although my parents especially father is using it a lot. He drives to London as he works there, so he has to be informed with every traffic that is expected, so he’s not late to work.
Newsfeed (Facebook and Twitter)
We live in 21st century now and Facebook or Twitter are the most successful social networks, I would like to point out that those network are using the real time technology in the most successful way. Every user of Facebook or Twitter is able to update their status anytime they want, it give the opportunity to the user’s friends to see the “Newsfeed”. Most of the newsfeeds are telling us about where our friend is or what is he/she doing. I personally use Facebook a lot but I don’t comment on everything I do, although I know people who are updating their status every day, few times.

BBC Weather as other weather websites is provided with real time technology. The satellite images provide an excellent view on the clouds in the sky. Therefore viewers can look up anytime and they will able to see the latest updates on what is going on.  I use BBC weather everyday just so I can be papered for the weather. To have the opportunity to know what weather will be on the next day is really useful especially if you want to plan a holiday or you know sure what you should wear, all depends on the weather.
Real Time

Real Time is a set of technology which store information and enable users of Internet to receive those information as soon as they are published. This helps the users to know exactly what is going. Most successful and well known “Real time web” in 2012 is definitely Facebook’s newsfeed and Twitter. I will also be looking at different websites which are using real time service like; weather,
train timetables, news services and traffic reports.