Tuesday, 22 January 2013



Online games and computers are not the only entertainment that has been changed in technology, radios and television are type of media witch have changed some as I can remember, the first point I would like to make about the television is that for a long time the only colour the TV was displaying was black and white. I’m only 18 but  I remember so many movies in black and white even now a days sometime you might see films in black and white and you  know immediately it must be a very only film. Not only the way movies are presented then and now has changed but also the television on its own had changed, before there was a TV called analogue TV, and they looked like this

If you would like to change a program the only way to do so was to twist one on the regulation button, same if you wanted to volume the TV up. When now a days you have a TV where you don’t need to use a remote anymore you can talk to it and it also react to your movements. I have one of these TV’s at home and I love how you don’t have to reach for the remote every time you want to change channel to a different one, I know it’s very lazy side of me but it shows how people are trying to make the technology so clever so that people don’t have to do a lot to actually use it. The machine is doing everything for the user.

Apart from the TV we treat the radio as a type of entertainment as well, as the analogue TV there was an analogue radio, I don’t really remember how it worked but I know there was a regulator and you had to look for the station very carefully where now-a-days all you have to do is press one button a the radio will find a station for you.  

Every single analogue has been changed to digital. Another change from analogue to digital is a simple clock.
Before the digital we had to read the clock, where know it shows us exactly the minutes and sometimes even the seconds. I know people how don’t really know anymore how to read the analogue clock.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Education and ICT

Education and ICT

ICT is used is school is now fundamentally in every room there is an electronic board witch is used by teachers and students. There is no chalk board is schools anymore. Teachers reliable on IT the whole process of checking the  register is taken on a software called “SIM” it holds every central information of a students, for example their address, date of birth, parents details, emergency contacts etc. I was brought up in Poland and I was a student there form 2002 till 2010 and there was just 2 computer rooms, most of the work was done on the paper written by hand and computers were only used for ICT lessons. Now the ICT is used none-stop. Teachers are using ICT to communicate with students by email for example. Also my schools are in hold with software called Frog where teachers post any homework that has been set up, for people and giving them a deadline for when the home work. Most of the schools and teachers also contact with parents of the pupils by email or phones. My school wants to even invent tables for pupils in year 7 so they can do there work anywhere they want. I personally think pupils in year 7 will use the tables for all wrong ways for example playing games where there are people in sixth form who spend so much time trying to look for a computer room where they can do there work, also most of the people in year 12 or 13 have lessons after school so they can do their work on the tablet on their way home. Also the tables are and expensive investigation so if the school actually wants to spend that much amount of money then why not give it to more responsible people that can take care of it. ICT took a major part on the pupils and teachers there is a lot of advantages like: letters look more professional written on a computer and it’s easy to read; high quality; automatic spell check/ grammar check (you don’t have to worry about your spelling mistakes because the computer will spot it for you easy enough and even if it won’t correct it for you the software will give you some options to chose from so you can improve on your work.). Within the advantages there is few disadvantages coming along: people attend to copy and past stuff sometimes without even reading it; not a lot of things is done by hand nowadays so peoples hand writing got worse and they don’t do it a lot; spending too much time in front of the computer effect our eyesight (there is few things you can do to increase the risk of loosing your good sight. You can either install an antiglare screen protector or you can buy one of the ultraviolet computer mirror screen protector, but this only increase the risk.) When I’m thinking about how it was before in school when the technology was not so popular I cannot really say if it was better but I know people now got use to the fact that computers do post of the things for them and they relay on the machine so much. Information and communications technology has developed so well I just hope it won’t get over us too much. I see a lot of changes in ICT as far in over 15 years it had a gigantic input on our generation.



It’s the 2012 and the technology is a big part of our life’s I keep saying it every time the other day I doing duty in my school and there was this group of boys sitting indoors and playing on their I-pods and phones and I was thinking when I was in there age I was outside playing with my friends. There was no conversation between them whatsoever the technology has a huge input on young generation. On the other hand we have people who grown up with very little technology skills, but still these people are expected to be able to use computer and to know how to use specific software. My mum is 40 and she has no idea how to use a computer because when she was little they didn’t use PC’s, she prefers to write a letter by hand than on a computer. Now days it is a big issue for people in her age. Not many of them really know how to properly use IT but they are expected because it makes it all easier.

Every few months new software is invented and everyone who at work has a contact with a computer have to be able to know how to use it. ICT skills are really important for the use of business. People don’t you a calculates anymore or a graph paper they tent to do most of the work on the computer because it is easier, takes less time and the errors will be point out or correct by the computer sooner or later.

Workers as pupils in school are registers not in a same way but they are. Every single  business have to keep a track recording whether a certain person came to work, was he late and for example  if he has used all of his holidays. For example my dad has a smart access card inside every time he attend to work he has to span the card and the business is collecting the date so they know whether he was late and if he is at work.

When people try to get a certain job and the company obligate a website, most of them offers to either send the email with and applicant CV or have a form done already with just need to be file in so all the person who’s looking for job can answer few questions without sending anything by post office or even going outside.



The use of internet these days have a variety of options. The users are spending hours in from of their PC. But what are they doing? Something has to keep them entertained if everything would be dull and wouldn’t meet someone’s interest people would prefer to watch television instead.

Different age groups are interested in different genera of websites but there is few very popular websites which has been used not only by kids or adults but by both of the age groups. For example if we thing of an online games we attend to think of kids in age between 5-12 years old, that’s a stereotype much. 2012 Know most of the people have the access to internet and they know have to use a computer. Teenagers are also playing computer games sometimes it is because they are bored and sometimes it is because they have an exam coming up. A lot of education websites are having an access to some sort of games, where a student is learning through being active and playing a game. Not many teenagers are spending their time in front of a book doing notes for their exam. They definitely prefer to be entertained by computer. When I was doing my GCSE I spent a lot of time reading the stuff I should know for my exam I really spent ages on it, then I decided to go online and see what other really good ways of revising are. I found out that BBC Beside is provided with the information I need. From then on I was using the website and I found it really useful.
I also told my brother about it and he found it fun and convenient as well. Because the reader is not doing everything again and again the website keeps you entertain by all the different actions the player has to do, also by the sound, videos and pictures.
Apart from children and teenagers adults are using online games as well. I would like to tell you an example how I discovered people over 40 are using online games. When I was doing my work experience and my job was to take care of older people or people with some kind of disorders with their ICT skills. I met this man called John he had problem with his hand by paying online games he had to make sure his hand is always in some sort of action. His hand was really shaky and dis-coordinate. While playing these games he had a control on his hand, a part from John I met other people who were playing ‘Puzzle’ game just to kill their time.

‘YouTube’ is another website which entertain a lot of teenagers but not only. Anyone can set up an account, when the account is set up you can post as much videos as you want. Warning this website is so addictive. People are spending hours on posting and editing videos. If you’re a use you’ll get addicted as well you won’t even notice how much time you will spend on watching videos or listening to music. YouTube is a sharing video website it amazing how a certain videos can get very popular fairly easy. I’m a user of a ‘YouTube myself and I love spending time looking through news and listening to music but once I’m on it there’s always more I would like to see.
On YouTube you can find any sort of music, there is a lot of different channels beauty channel game channel and so on... to keep people interested they advertise each channel so everyone can find something for themselves.

MSN entertainment is provided with news. People love to know what is going on in other people lives. Therefore we have websites like MSN and many others. If someone is really in to celebrity, TV, movies, music MSN is a type of a website they would go for. The website is categorically an entertainment full of videos and stories about celebrities. MSN is an electronic magazine really successful, now when people are spending so much time on a computer they are
too indolent to read print magazines, they prefer to watch if instead. Sometimes when I have a bit of free time I am looking through some e-magazines, I like to know what is going on around me, but for example my mama is not really into this sort of stuff she prefers to simply read newspaper /magazine and have the satisfaction of it.     

Download service

 Downloadable services
2012 you can download so many things from internet now a day you can even download software’s what was impossible few years ago. You can download most of the software’s without paying for them or sometimes you don’t pay for it in a first place but then you have to pay for it after a certain time you would still wish to be allowed to use it. There are other thing you can easily download from network like music, film games or e-books although it is really easy and free to download it is not right to download it without the permission form the administrator who is in hold with the file you would like to download.
From my own experience I can say it take so much time to get in contact with the person who is in hold of the stuff you would like to do. Many times when I was doing some work for school or some researches and I wanted to use some information or pictures I couldn’t wait for the response so I decided to use it but not share it with anyone. When it comes to the music and film it’s a different matter most of the films and music is copy right you cannot download it without paying for it. There is a lot of websites which offering a good prices for downloading their films online for example ‘LoveFilm.com’

All the tablets and smartphones have one and the same idea to be up graded nonstop you don’t have to buy a new phone everything something new will come out you can easily upgrade your “apps” (applications) and have a new software on your phone or tablet. I have a blackberry myself and every time they have something new coming out my phone is sending me and information and the option to download the application on my phone. I also have Facebook app download is on my phone so whenever there is a new version on Facebook I can upgrade it for free. My dad is also in hold with blackberry, although he doesn’t use any types of social networking he still wants to use every app on this phone. He’s phone has the GPS app whenever there is something new going he can upgrade his GPS. Upgrading apps most of the time it’s improvement for the app we already had on our phones/tablets or Pc’s.
Ø  Speed
Ø  Security
Ø  Cost Cut
Ø  Copy right
Ø  Convenient

As much as people now download films they also are more likely to download; music, Games and E-books. You should pay for whatever you trying to download and you have no right to share the file with another person.  Many people these days upload there music on a software called ‘I-Tunes’ it is really successful the customers can download/ upload whatever music they are interested in, it doesn’t cost a lot and it is legal. In the same way you can download games and e-books. Kindle is an amazing example of an e-book. You have a connection to internet and you can download whatever book you would like to read.
I don’t have and Kindle but I know few people who do and they really like it.


  “E” stands for Electronic. We used to had a petitions on paper group of people were going around other people houses to ask for the sign so their case may be solved. Now a day’s people don’t like wasting their time they prefer someone or something do stuff for them. Computers and precisely the network the technology allowed us to make online petition which is called the ‘e-petition’.
E-Petitions are and easy way to influence government. E-petition can be created by anyone and anything that government is responsible for. People who are making the e-potion have to collect at least 100,000 signatures so that the government will consider the problem.
Because I’m only 17 my voles do not count. So I cannot really talk about my own experience but I have seen some petition already and, I decided to talk about one of them it really relates to my local area. A bus service stopped providing buses in a morning, where a lot of people were using it to get to work and some students to get to school so local people decided to talk to the bus company but it didn’t work. The bus company said there were a lot of reasons why they decided to cancel this certain bus service. Next step for those local people was to make an petition gather a right amount of signatures and sent it to government so they can help they solve the problem they cannot deal with.
 They were asking for the signatures by their local newspaper, the problem was presented to the readers and underneath they put a web address for the website where people can volte as well.
I personally think it was the easiest and the quickest way to collect the right amount of signatures. 
This example was based on normal local volte but e-petitions can be made to consider something even for the whole UK. Therefore sometimes government is making e-petitions because they want to know what the UK population think about their idea.

There is few websites which help a lot of the UK population in a verity of ways. One of the website I would like to talk about is the GOV.UK.
The GOV.UK had been made by people who work for government. Through this the whole population of UK can get information on; Driving, transport and travel, benefits, businesses and self-employed, employing people, education and learning, working, job and the law, housing and local services, crime, justices and the law, money and taxes, births, deaths, marriages and care, disabled people, citizenship and life in the UK, if anyone have an issue with one of these subtitles it all belongs to the government and you can get a specific help. UK as other European countries wants to take care of their people. There is two more websites that suggested by GOV.UK; Direct.gov and business link. GOV.UK like other two websites suggested has the same purpose and the same audiences.
  GOV.UK is a public website the customers are not paying for any of the services. If the customer would like to get and advice on a specific case the website is provided in the set of information that might help if not they also have a contact number so they can always call for more information.
  I can only see advantages of this website, people can easily receive the information they need and UK as an European county has a lot of immigrants and some of them cannot speak English so they might find talking to people in person hard in that case they can just look up whatever they would like to know on that website. Although the website has not the option to change the language I still think it that is just the idea how the website would be improved.


As I mentioned before the technology has moved on so quickly and every one want to be closer to everyone. Even the politicians decided to have their own accounts of Facebook or Twitter. Those social networks can easily improve the communication. Therefore I think the communication is really important these days people are finding hard to talk to people in person they prefer to send text or email occasionally call people on the phone. Some of the well knows politicians are using the social network. For example most of than are using Twitters they can share their idea with other people.
I think these days any type of communication is good, especially if the government really wants to have closer communication with their population of UK.

Youths Clubs
Teenagers is a big part coved by the government I decided to talk about the Youths clubs because they’re getting a massive support from government. They support children and young adults in a lot of things they might even investigate in some people if they feel like they have the talent and the knowledge. There is a lot of clubs in my local are there is few places just for teenagers where they can come and spend the time is a good in my opinion coz now there is a lot of drags and other dangers/ unhealthy substances .These  clubs can increase their knowledge and opportunities.