Sunday, 3 February 2013

Crime and prevention

Crime and prevention

In the recent days there are many crimes that are committed through the internet. Many internet criminals are using many of verities methods in order to take what they want to want from gullible members of public. Most common crimes that are committed by UK public are the theft of money, identities or information. Criminals are breaking to another computer through a number of methods for example viruses. Out of all crimes theft of money in the largest these days due to the fact more and more people are buying stuff online, using their credit/debit cards. When someone’s card details are shown to anyone there is a high risk that another person even though he is not in hold on the card can make any payments he wants. A card holder has to be really careful if someone puts their card details into unsecure website even a small amount of information can be enough to hack it or will easily take advantage.

Many hackers are trying to attack big businesses to steal data and information on a big scale. I remember reading an article about PlayStation Network, group of criminals attracted the company and a huge amount of user data had been stolen. Big businesses which are in hold of their customer details have to be extra careful. Once they lose it or the data will be stolen they will have a number of problems, not just money wise but also their business will become less truthful. People will be afraid with leaving their personal details to a company that have problem with their security. When a customer decides to share the information with a company they want to be 100% sure it will stay just between them and the company.

Another really common crime these days is a cyber bulling through online communication for example Facebook. Most of this is due to a younger generation, not many people really treating this crime as something serious.

Phishing, this crime is also very popular now a day. I’ve received so many emails asking about my address or my personal details sometimes even my credit card details, also I had a situation where I received an empty email just with one attachment. I try to avoid emails like that and I’m deleting them, but I have a friend that once has opened one of these sorts of attachments. Nothing really has happened at first but after few hours he was not able to use his laptop properly and his wallpaper has changed to inform that this laptop have a virus and only way to get rid of it is to pay 50 pounds for ani-virus. After 2 days the computer started to work as it was before without paying for any sort of ani-virus they offered. (Bank never ask you by email to give them your personal details)

Police have a great amount of data which contain information about anyone in country. They store data like your previous conventions (if there is any), simple personal details such as date of birth. This data help the police to find cretin person by searching for the record to get quicker result.
CCTV-Closed Circuit Television back in 1994. UK is well known with CCTV. Police is using them for the safe of British public, they are using the CCTV in areas such as; airports, banks, casing, night clubs/bars, car parks and even schools. Even though the UK police are doing a great job, crime is becoming more and more global; you can now take care of yourself and your computer. There is so many online websites to help, how you can take care of it and what a difference between legitimate and fake website.